Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Syima's Engagement Day + Hari Raya 2010

Tuesday, September 14, 2010 0

Finally! Raya jugak akhirnya! Selepas berhempas-pulas puasa for a month (a month ke?), rasa lega sangat sebab tak payah nak tahan-tahan tengok my colleague makan chipsmore depan PC. Raya takde lah meriah sangat pun, plus along & kak long balik Pahang. So raya pun macam tak raya.

--dan yang paling bestnya, adik perempuan aku melangsungkan majlis pertunangannya pada Hari Raya Ke-3. Hehe..ye betul! Tidak syak lagi! Maka langkah bendul lah ia! So ni lah pix-pix yang sempat aku share kat sini..Haha

| Selamat Hari Raya, maaf zahir dan batin! |


Friday, August 20, 2010

Inch Chua...???

Friday, August 20, 2010 2

Pernah tengok tak iklan Digi Broadband yang diorang angkat-angkat sofa semua tu? And then the video clip is so cute and creative sangat. But one thing that caught my attention the most was the theme song.

I've been Google-ing for that song since like forever! It sounded like Yuna, but a bit different. And finally jumpa jugak its original singer on YouTube. The song is called 'Try a Little Harder', sung by Inch Chua. She's a Singapore's Indie darling (and yes, ni first time aku dengar nama dia).

*Tengah cuba bayangkan kalau Yuna yang nyanyi. Or Zee Avi. Would they make it much better?*

The lyrics!

We'll find a way
bending backward like before.
like before. (oh uh oh oh oohh)

we'll try a little harder for now
(oh uh oh oh oohh)

we'll get on fine,
while we wait for another, wait for another.
while time passes by like
the smoke on the water
smoke on the water.

We'll find a way
bending backward like before.
like before. (oh uh oh oh oohh)

we'll try a little harder for now
(oh uh oh oh oohh)

* Selamat berpuasa!*


Saturday, July 3, 2010

Thanks CIMB! You made my day!

Saturday, July 3, 2010 2

Hohoho. It's been 2 months plus I've been working in Shah Alam. Not that I'm that busy to update my blog, just takde feel nak update. Tu je. Padahal berlambak-lambak sangat benda yang aku nak stori-mori kat sini. Tapi bila time nak click button sign in..ughh malasnya!

Anyway benda yang paling aku bersemangat nak cerita ialah aku dengan secara tiba-tibanya dapat 1 gift dari CIMB. The thing was couriered to my house (Malacca), while I was in S.A, working. And the thing is so cute gila gila gila. Patung sotong yang ada tertulis 'CIMB Clicks' kat atas topi tu.

Btw I just opened an account with CIMB less than 3 months ago. I always reload my prepaid and pay the bills thru CIMB Clicks. But, hey! Benda ni sangat menarik minat aku. Sebab bayangkanlah kalau ada seribu orang yang bukak account in one day, and everyone use CIMB internet banking, then patung tu mesti diorang dapat jugak rite?!

Hoh tatau la if it's me who's getting too emotional, tapi really, CIMB, I've been a customer for other banks for years, but getting this gift, you really made a good job. Tenks tenks!

* Tak kisahlah kalau ni promotional gift ke..aku still suka gak!*


Friday, April 9, 2010

Vacancy in Melaka

Friday, April 9, 2010 0

Just helping out a friend to find suitable person(s) to fill a position at Sudong Sdn Bhd. It is a telecommunication company, which is a subsidiary of Singtel.

Position :

Customer Care Officer

Salary :

RM1,300 ++

Requirements :

- SPM/Diploma/Degree holder
- Have good communication skills expecially in English
- Fresh graduates are encouraged to apply

**If interested please call 06 226 8888**


Thursday, April 1, 2010


Thursday, April 1, 2010 1

Yup aku on9 tiap-tiap hari.

Hari-hari check Facebook. Email. Facebook. Email.

Tu je yang aku buat.

Menipulah kalau kata aku busy takda masa nak update blog. Bukannye aku kerja pun! Padahal tido sampai 16jam kat rumah. Okay aku tipu. Takde la sampai 16jam.

Tapi serious banyak gila benda yang aku nak story tapi aku malas nak menaip. Takpe next time aku rajinkan diri.


| Tatau apa fungsi topic ni |

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